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Core concepts

A single page explainer of the core concepts, what they are, and how they relate.


Code containing custom behaviour.

  • Just Python functions with a single message argument.
  • Store and change the state of things via the datastore.
  • Signal events and activity by publishing messages.


Listen for / emit in-app messages.

  • Messages have a meaningfully named channel, and arbitrary payload.
  • Publish (pub) messages to channels, to indicate when something happens.
  • Subscribe (sub) to messages on a certain channel with a function, to handle when certain things happen.


Digital assets used within the app.

  • Raw images, sounds, videos, text and data.


User interface elements or media handlers.

  • Widgets are common UI elements like buttons, dropdowns, image viewers, video players...
  • Widget attributes may subscribe to messages so they auto-update.
  • Containers define the widget's formation and layout.
  • Based on BeeWare's Toga framework.


Show things to the user.

  • Cards display / layout widgets.
  • User interactions with widgets in cards emit messages - e.g. "clicked".


Move between cards.

  • Transitions usually have a single source card and destination card.
  • Some transitions define multiple source cards and a single destination card.
  • Transitions may also have a user defined function associated with them.


Keeps state, stores data.

  • A very simple key/value store.
  • When the datastore is changed, it emits a message to say what has changed.
  • May include search capabilities.
  • May have a backend that syncs with remote storage.


Do things until an outcome / result is achieved (e.g. a network request).

  • Blocking tasks display a "waiting" card, in which you can cancel the task. When finished either transition to a success card or transition to an error card.
  • Background tasks, when the outcome is known, either emit a message or update the datastore.
  • Common tasks already built into the framework (get geo-location, call a remote API, interact with a web-socket, handle a long running user defined function).


Contains all the above.

  • An application addresses / works within a specific domain.
  • Has a name, icon and optional splash screen (displayed when starting up).
  • Delivered via the web, or as a cross-platform package via BeeWare's Briefcase project.